3rd Generation Table-top Depositor

3rd Generation table-top confectionery depositor is suitable for chocolate, caramel, jelly, hard ...

3rd Generation Table-top Depositor

3rd Generation table-top confectionery depositor is suitable for chocolate, caramel, jelly, hard candy soft candy and many more similar syrup depositing. The adjustable nozzles make it suitable for molds with different layouts.

Main Features

1. This depositor adopts a compact and space saving table top design

2. 10 adjustable and removable nozzles

3. 2 Servo motors+PLC controlled depositing with HMI

4. Double heating systems for hopper and nozzles

5. One mold holding tray for silicone and other soft molds

6. Suitable for chocolate, caramel, jelly, hard candy, soft candy and many more similar syrup


Operation Process

1. Plug in and switch On

2. Select language

3. Set parameters according to the mold and save it as a receipe

4. Start Heating to heat the machine up

5. Place the mold on the belt and align it with the nozzles

6. Hit the Start button adjust the depositing amount and spacing


Required accessories: air press demoulder /manual demoulder, tray, silicone mold,


Post time: Sep-21-2022